Questões de concursos sobre "Formação de palavras (prefixos e sufixos) | Word formation (prefix and suffix)" | Inglês - página 2

Confira abaixo as principais questões de concursos sobre Formação de palavras (prefixos e sufixos) | Word formation (prefix and suffix) que cairam em provas de concursos públicos anteriores:

Q204009 - FUMARC Advogado 2011

DIRECTIONS: Choose the CORRECT alternative to 
answer questions 16 to 25.
Questions 16 to 20:
Choose the CORRECT alternative to
answer questions 16 to 20, according to TEXT 01.

The word assignment in “To begin an assignment,” is a noun formed by assign + the suffix - ment. Choose another word from the list below that can form a noun with the suffix - ment.
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Q204248 - FUMARC Analista de TI Júnior 2010

The word sustainable in “Sustainable energy” is an adjective formed by sustain+ the suffix –able. Choose another word from the list below that can form adjectives with the suffix –able.
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Q204251 - FUMARC Analista Administrativo 2010

The word sustainable in “Sustainable energy” is an adjective formed by sustain+ the suffix –able. Choose another word from the list below that can form adjectives with the suffix –able.
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Q204260 - FUMARC Advogado 2010

The word sustainable in “Sustainable energy” is an adjective formed by sustain+ the suffix –able. Choose another word from the list below that can form adjectives with the suffix –able.
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Q204573 - FCC Agente Técnico Legislativo Especializado - Segurança de Redes 2010

The words in the groups below have either a positive or a negative meaning, according to their usage in the text. Check the alternative in which the group is NOT formed ONLY by either positive OR negative words.
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Q204867 - FCC Agente Técnico Legislativo Especializado - Tecnologia da Informação 2010

Old Tray, New Tricks: Windows 7's Taskbar and window
management tweaks are nice. But its changes to the
System Tray - aka the Notification Area - have a huge
positive effect.

Changes in Windows 7 transform the System Tray from
an intrusive eyesore (in Windows Vista) into a useful set of
shortcuts and other controls.
In the past, no feature of Windows packed more
frustration per square inch than the System Tray. It quickly grew
dense with applets that users did not want in the first place, and
many of the uninvited guests employed word balloons and
other intrusive methods to alert users to uninteresting facts at
inopportune moments. At their worst, System Tray applets
behaved like belligerent squatters, and Windows did little to put
users [PARTICLE] in charge.
In Windows 7, applets can't pester you unbidden
because software installers can't dump them into the System
Tray. Instead, applets land in a holding pen that appears only
when you click it, a much-improved version of the overflow area
used in previous incarnations of the Tray. Applets in the pen
can't float word balloons at you unless you permit them to do so.
In Windows 7, applets can't pester you unbidden
because software installers can't dump them into the System
Tray. Instead, applets land in a holding pen that appears only
when you click it, a much-improved version of the overflow area
used in previous incarnations of the Tray. Applets in the pen
can't float word balloons at you unless you permit them to do so.

It's a cinch to drag them into the System Tray or out of it again,
so you enjoy complete control over which applets reside there.
More good news: Windows 7 largely dispenses with the
onslaught of word-balloon warnings from the OS about
troubleshooting issues, potential security problems, and the like.
A new area called Action Center - a revamped version of Vista's
Security Center - queues up such alerts so you can deal with
them at your convenience. Action Center does issue
notifications of its own from the System Tray, but you can shut
these off if you don't want them pestering you.
All of this helps make Windows 7 the least distracting,
least intrusive Microsoft OS in a very long time. It's a giant step
forward from the days when Windows thought nothing of
interrupting your work to inform you that it had detected unused
icons on your desktop.

(Adapted from
The words in the groups below have either a positive or a negative meaning, according to their usage in the text. Check the alternative in which the group is NOT formed ONLY by either positive OR negative words.
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Q205603 - FAURGS Técnico em Eletrônica 2018

Instrução: A questão refere-se ao texto abaixo.

ADAPTED FROM: Zittrain, Jonathan. Mark Zuckerberg Can Still Fix This Mess. Acesso :25/04/2018

Selecione a alternativa em que todos os termos são formados pelo mesmo processo de formação de palavras.
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Q205695 - FAURGS Programador de computador 2014

O prefixo un-, presente em unauthorized (l. 16), também ocorre, com o mesmo sentido, em: 
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Q205930 - Quadrix Técnico - Operação de Redes 2014

Everyone keeps data. Big organizations spend millions to look after their payroll, customer and transaction data. The penalties for getting it wrong are severe: businesses may collapse, shareholders and customers lose money, and for many organizations (airlines, health boards, energy companies), it is not exaggerating to say that even personal safety may be put at risk. And then there are the lawsuits. The problems in successfully designing, installing, and maintaining such large databases are the subject of numerous books on data management and software engineering. However, many small databases are used within large organizations and also for small businesses, clubs, and private concerns. When these go wrong, it doesn't make the front page of the papers; but the costs, often hidden, can be just as serious.

 Where do we find these smaller electronic databases? Sports clubs will have membership information and match results; small businesses might maintain their own customer data. Within large organizations, there will also be a number of small projects to maintain data information that isn't easily or conveniently managed by the large system-wide databases. Researchers may keep their own experiment and survey results; groups will want to manage their own rosters or keep track of equipment; departments may keep their own detailed accounts and submit just a summary to the organization's financial software.

Most of these small databases are set up by end users. These are people whose main job is something other than that of a Computer professional. They will typically be scientists, administrators, technicians, accountants, or teachers, and many will have only modest skills when it comes to spreadsheet or database software. 

The resulting databases often do not live up to expectations. Time and energy is expended to set up a few tables in a database product such as Microsoft Access, or in setting up a spreadsheet in a product such as Excel. Even more time is spent collecting and keying in data. But invariably (often within a short time frame) there is a problem producing what seems to be a quite simple report or query. Often this is because the way the tables have been set up makes the required result very awkward, if not impossible, to achieve. 

A database that does not fulfill expectations becomes a costly exercise in more ways than one. We clearly have the cost of the time and effort expended on setting up an unsatisfactory application. However, a much more serious problem is the unability to make the best use of valuable data. This is especially so for research data. Scientific and social researchers may spend considerable money and many years designing experiments, hiring assistants and collecting and analyzing data, but often very little thought goes into storing it in an appropriately designed database. Unfortunately, some quite simple mistakes in design can mean that much of the potential information is lost. The immediate objective may be satisfied, but unforeseen uses of the data may be seriously compromised. Next year's grant opportunities are lost.

In the last paragraph, the line in bold, there is a word not correctly written. It is: 
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Q206199 - CEPERJ Programador de computador 2013

Understanding word-building and af? xation in a foreign language is one of the main ways of enriching vocabulary.

The suf?x – er in learner (L. 5) contrasts functionally with suf?xation in:
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