Q205117 - CESPE Diplomata 2009
In context, "might" (l.4) and "kick-start" (l.4) are respectively
Confira abaixo as principais questões de concursos sobre Análise sintática - Parsing que cairam em provas de concursos públicos anteriores:
In context, "might" (l.4) and "kick-start" (l.4) are respectively
The word "digs" (l.5) is
Instrução: A questão refere-se ao texto abaixo.
ADAPTED FROM: Zittrain, Jonathan. Mark Zuckerberg Can Still Fix This Mess. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/07/opinion/sunday/zuckerberg-facebook-privacy-congress.html Acesso :25/04/2018
Considere os seguintes segmentos do texto:
I - data about us (l. 09) II - including on education (l. 25) III- a few companies (l. 36-37)
Quais têm a mesma função sintática que o segmento understanding the phenomenon (l. 32)?
The underlined word below that has the same syntactical function as the underlined part of the sentence “So tracking a business’s online reputation is a critical part of building a thriving company, experts said” (lines 19 and 20) is